Friday, February 18, 2011

So Much Talent

Lately I've been a lot more active in North Central Younglife and have been trying to go to campaigners or other activities as much as possible. I like having the opportunity to have fun and openly discuss Christ or voice any questions, fears, comments, joys, or concerns. Friday night I got the chance to be a student leader at the Wyldlife talent show and open gym night. Middleschoolers gathered at the Northview LGI to practice and plan their talents for the big show.

Here were some highlights:
1. the groups of girls that came prepared with funny outfits and crazy make up
2. Getting to do a duet with Katie to Don't Stop Believing for the show (Glee version of course)

3. How these girls even though they were the youngest their radiated confidence and tried to help and include as many people as they could

4. Singing Taylor Swift really loud

5. Matt and Joe's talent of Joe throwing grapes and Matt catching them in his mouth
6. Getting to MC the show and have witty banter with Chris
7. Hearing Natalie's story, and getting to know her better

I really love being a student leader and getting to hang out and get to know these great kids. I love the other student leaders and how they're willing to take time out of there Friday night to be there for these kids and help make the night as much fun as possible. I love singing and dancing and being silly and witty banter. I love that I have opportunities like this to work with kids and do the things I'm passionate about.

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