Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day the Sequel: A Friend-filled Day Off

Today I woke up really early. I woke up really early on a snow day. Weird, right? I thought so too. Luckily I wasn't the only one having trouble sleeping, and I got a text from my friend Ben asking me to have a snow day hang out! I took on the ice and made my way to the other side of town to begin snow day number 2.

Here's what I like about today. Not only did I get to hang out with Ben, but a lot of other great friends too. I saw Sar for a little bit, and then went to Keeley's with a bunch of school friends. If I've learned anything in the past year, or maybe even less than that, about friendships its that you can't limit yourself. Not to certain groups. Not to certain types of people. Not to certain ages. Be open minded, and never miss an opportunity to form great friendships. I think its really easy to get tied down to that one group of friends, or feel like its not okay to hang out with or be close to anyone but a select few people. That is completely 100% false. This year I've made new friends at school (that's what happens when there's 4,000 kids), grown closer to old friends, and have more friends that don't even live in the same state as me than I ever thought possible.

I love that I can go from lunch at Penn Station with Ben to Sar's apartment to Keeley's kitchen, and skype with friends from out of town all in the same day. I love that my relationships are not limited. I love that I have friendships based on values and trust and fun and honesty rather than who I'm "supposed" to be friends with.

Yeah, sometimes it's really hard to balance it all, but at the end of the day the balancing is worth it. I'd much rather have friends spread out in all the different areas of my life than be trapped in one place without the meaningful relationships I've been lucky enough to form. I pray that I can keep these relationships strong, and always be reminded of how lucky I am for the friends I have. I pray they know that they are loved, and I pray these relationships can last and last.

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