Sunday, February 13, 2011

One on One

If my weekend had a theme, it might be one on one. No- I didn't play tons of basketball or anything like that, but I did find myself in situations where I was with just one other person a lot. This seems rare to me now a days, and I feel like most of the time I'm with other people I'm with a group of at least 3. But not this weekend! 

Friday night, after a very productive meeting of junior class council and working on the all important planning of Junior Prom 2011, my friend Virginia and I decided we were gonna have a sleepover! So, about an hour after the meeting Virg arrived inside my house for the FIRST TIME EVER. Exciting, I know. We hung around and then went to Chipotle. I like spending time with Virginia a lot, and I don't think I've ever spent time alone with her before. It was really great, and gave us so much opportunity to talk and really get to know each other. We laughed the whole night, and she thought it was especially funny when I noticed the lettuce was different at Chipotle and commented about it to the guy behind the counter... I guess its not normal to notice things like this (I love Chipotle). After dinner we decided to go to our friend Ben's house with a few other people (pause on the one on one theme), but on the way there we played the question game in the car, and found out a lot of fun stuff about each other. Pretty sweet Friday night if you ask me. We finished off the night going back to my house,Virg complaining about me only having one sink in my bathroom, and having a funny conversation with my mom.

Saturday my friend Kellie swam in the state swim meet! Naturally I had to go support her. I ended up driving down with Keeley, another person I've never really spend any time alone with. We had a pretty long car ride, and I'll admit there were some awkward pauses, but overall we had some good conversation, and I got to learn even more about her. I'm thankful for the opportunity we had to bond, and become closer friends.

Tonight after a five hour, yes that is FIVE WHOLE HOURS, long choir practice I had dinner with Sar. I have hung out with Sar tons of time just us, so this wasn't that new of an experience, but it was still really great. We haven't seen each other since Wednesday so of course we had tons and tons to talk about. I feel like with Sarah there's hardly ever gaps in conversation... we just always have so much to say! I really like that about our friendship. 

This weekend I'm thankful for being able to form better relationships with friends, learn more about fairly new friends, and spend time with a best friend. I think hanging out in groups of people is great, but sometimes that one on one experience is even better. Its a great way to learn more about someone, and really grow closer. My one on one weekend was definitely a success.

(sorry about the lack of pictures... I promise I'll start taking more!!)

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