Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"By Bollay!"

Last weekend was full of people I love. Unfortunately, it worked out that I couldn't be in two places at once, but I tried really hard to balance my time between family and friends. It was the weekend of my brother Blake and his wife Traci coming in town, the 3rd 2010 CILT reunion, and my nephew Blake's (not to be confused with my brother) baptism. Upon first discovering that all of this friend and family time fell on the same weekend, I was really upset. I really don't like missing out on opportunities to spend time with my favorite people. But it was what is was, and what better way to live life well than jam as much time in as you can with the people you care about most.

Friday night, Mags and Mary Claire came to Indy early. It was so exciting seeing these Friends, and catching up (ok, so we were already pretty much caught up, more like just laughing and talking and being best friends) over Mellow Mushroom and Orange Leaf. Me, Sar, Mags, Mary Claire, and Emily played games and shared stories and just loved being together. When I went home, Blake and Traci were on their way from the airport, and before I knew it I was laughing and talking with two more of my favorite people.

Saturday morning Traci woke me up with her southern accent and footie Auburn pajamas. I really love when she's in town. She has so much energy and makes me crack up after everything she says. We can just sit and talk and laugh and watch funny YouTube videos for forever. After some Petit Chou with my parents, Blake, and Traci I headed to camp to join in on the reunion x3 fun!

I love that every time the CILTS get together everyone is attacked with hugs as soon as they are within eyesight. I love that no matter how long its been since we've talked or seen each other it feels like no time has passed. I love that we can be 100% ourselves and be real and raw and vulnerable. I love that we have a support system unlike any other I have seen or experienced. I love that when I need to be lifted up there are 120 pairs of arms ready to help. I was sad to only be able to stay a few hours, but sometimes a few hours is all it takes to give you that boost you need to keep getting through the days of school and homework and college decisions and real life.

I got home just in time to go with the whole family to dinner at Midtown in Broadripple. I love when we all get to be together, and having Blake and Traci there makes it even better. We laughed and talked and Mckenzie and I sat next to each other like always. We stayed out way too late for having a baptism in the morning but it was worth it. I really love them. I'm really lucky.

The next morning at church was filled with even more family and friends in support of little baby Blake, also known as the cutest baby in the whole entire world. After church we all went back to Shane and Tom's for brunch and some prime baby holding time. The next few hours were filled with egg casserole and Just Dance 3.

After a much needed nap, I headed over to Sar's upon Maggie's request to say goodbye to her and Mary Claire before they headed back home to Peoria. I hadn't seen them as much as I had wanted to, and their goodbyes made me really sad. I hate saying bye to these people. It maybe in the top 10 worst things ever. After waving them goodbye as they drove away, I just felt really really sad. But- Annie was still in town and I headed over to meet her and Col before Chick Flick Sunday. I walked up the Whiting's stairs and into Colleen's room... to find not only Annie but Mags and Mary Claire sitting on Col's bed waiting for me. I was in shock. I laughed. I cried. It was the best surprise ever. I was overcome with the emotion at the thought of getting to spend the night with 4 of my best friends in the whole world. Happy doesn't even begin to describe what I felt at that moment.

That's the kind of friendship I have with these girls. The kind of friendship that makes you burst into tears at the thought of getting to spend another night together. The kind where you never run out of encouraging words to say. The kind where sitting in Alli's living room all piled on the couch watching a chick flick feels like a special occasion just because you get to be together. The kind where you hold hands and scratch each others backs and sing along with the movie soundtrack. The kind where you could just sit on the couch together and still have the best time ever.

This weekend was filled with great moments with great people. It was one of those weekends that makes you realize how much the people in your life matter. How much you love them. It was one of those weekends that you wish could just be all the time. But if it can't, I'll settle for every once in a while, because I wouldn't trade this type of weekend with these types of relationships for anything. I know I say it over and over again, but I really am so lucky.

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