Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Kitty!

Today was one of my best friend Gabby's 17th birthday. Even though the going to school part stinks, I always like when my birthdays on a school day because you get to see all of your friends and be told happy birthday they whole day. I love that. I think birthdays are awesome. I love the fact that for one day of the year each person gets their day, and I think you should try to make it as special as you can for them. Some might say this is obnoxious, I am not one of those some. Here's some of my favorite pictures of me and Gab aka Kitty:

Me, Melanie, Maddie, and Hayley went into school early and decorated her locker with signs that said things like "Happy Birthday Gab!" and "17" and "We Love You!". Then, when she got to school we were all standing at her locker and yelled happy birthday when she was still half way down the hall. I love birthdays. (Picture of the locker to come)

I got to have 1st period with Gabby so naturally as we walked into Mrs. Liday's class together I made a loud announcement to the whole room about what an important day it was. This was followed with a chorus of "happy birthday Gabby!"'s. I love birthdays. Later on in the day we had a choir field trip to sing at my church right down the street from school. When we got back on the bus afterwards Mrs.Wiehe, the director, said "Good job ladies... and happy birthday Gabby!". This was really funny. 

Since we have school tomorrow we couldn't exactly do anything big tonight. So Gabby went home and ate dinner with her family and opened presents. I felt like something else needed to happen. Her birthday couldn't just end! She texted me and said her day was just going "okay". This was not "okay" with me. So, I texted Emma and we scurried over to CVS and found all the fun stuff in the store that we could. This included: a cup with a bunny on it that you turn back the ears so the straw pops out, a Barbie (she played that role in Junior Spec), a princess tiara, an "It's a girl!" balloon, a bracelet that says "heart breaker", a Hello Kitty coloring book, and a card with a cat on it that meow's the birthday song. We put it all in a "grab & go" gift bag and headed over to Gab's to surprise her!

Our phone conversation before we got there went like this:
Gabby: Hey Mol
Me: Hey.. umm where are you?
Gabby: My house...
Me: Would that be your mom's or your dad's?
Gabby: My moms... what are you doing Molly
Me: Okay, cool... bye!

Then we pulled into the driveway and went into her house and yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABBY! and she was very excited and she saw the bag of presents and got even more excited and we all ran to her room to watch her open. I think she really loved it. I really loved it also.

The thing about birthday's is, I really love when it's my birthday, but I also really love making other people's birthdays as special as I can. Everyone deserves to have a fun day, and I'm so glad I got to spend time with Gab on her's! I love birthdays.

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